[API] Starting with flows


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This article was copied and moved to API Reference.


This is a beta feature and may have incomplete functionality or bugs; breaking changes may be introduced.


The flows API is part of a layered API stack:

Resources are usually created from the bottom of the stack upwards. The concepts sections reflect this order, starting with the infrastructure API concepts.

The fleet API is optional and relates to the use of on-prem devices. If you only intend to use MK.IO for SaaS, this API can be ignored. The following diagram shows the main resource types in the system and how they connect together:

main resource types

main resource types

The diagram is color coded to show which API layer in the previous diagram the resources belong to. Solid lines represent direct connections, dashed lines represent dynamically assigned connections (dynamically assigned by the system). For SaaS systems, the device can be ignored; the flow will be run in the cluster.

Key points:

  • Sites are set up first, then networks are added with routes to the sites (network routes omitted from diagram, read about them in the concepts sections).
  • If using on-prem devices, add them into sites.
  • Content, sources and destinations are next; sources link to the content that they provide.
  • Flow transforms can be added at any point, but are needed before the flows that use them can be created.
  • Flows are created last, an active flow causes content to flow through the system. The flow is placed on a site and connected explicitly to content. The flow's association with sources, devices and other flows is resolved automatically and is covered in more detail later.


The diagram above is intended to provide a high-level conceptual overview, read the concepts sections for more detailed information.


The flows API and its supporting APIs are built from a number of concepts that are described in the following
sections. Read about the relevant concepts before reading set up guides:


Skip the devices concept if you will only use MK.IO SaaS flows and not manage on-prem sites with your own fleet devices.


The following set up guides are available for SaaS flows:

The following set up guides are available for on-prem flows:

The following setup guides work across SaaS and on-prem:

API Reference



This reference link will be removed in favour of using the built-in readme.com table of contents once the API reference for infra, fleet and flows is made public.

Read the temporary Infrastructure, Fleet and Flows API index, to learn more about specific API endpoints.