VOD transcription

October 2024

What’s changing

MK.IO now supports on-demand transcription of audio tracks.

Who is impacted

This feature is relevant for users of MK.IO who use on-demand content and wish to enrich their content with a new subtitle track.

Why you would use this / Why it matters

VOD Transcription enhances your content by generating machine-transcribed subtitles directly from the spoken words in the audio tracks. This feature improves accessibility and popularity of your content, because it benefits to individuals with hearing impairments, viewers in noisy environments and non-native speakers who benefit from comprehension assistance.

Additional details

VOD transcription will generate subtitles from audio tracks and generate an additional WebVTT subtitle track for the VOD content.

The full list of supported languages is available in AI workflows page.

Getting started

To generate a new subtitle track based on audio track using AI, you will need to add a new job and use an AI Workflow transform.

This is done in two simple steps, first create an AI Workflow transform and then run a job on a given asset to generate the transcript as described in this article

Availability & rollout plan

This feature will be available in all regions starting 10/28.

Metering & Pricing

For VOD content, AI workloads are billed per minute of processed VOD content.

AI pricing is described in detail in the AI Processing Table