Job input clipping

August 2024

What’s changing

MK.IO now allows you to set start and end times for job inputs.

Who is impacted

Anyone using MK.IO for VOD processing who wants to only apply a transform to only a specific portion of an asset.

Why you would use this / Why it matters

In some cases, you may not need to apply a transform to the entire input asset but only to a specific section. MK.IO now supports this functionality.

Additional details

Job input clipping can be applied to any type of source, whether it's an asset source or an HTTP source. Simply set a start time and end time in your job input properties.

The start and end time can either be UTC time or relative time.

Getting started

Setting a time range to a job input is not exposed in the UI and must be done using the job endpoint in MK.IO API.

Samples to create a job with start and end time are provided in this article.

Availability & rollout plan

Job input clipping is available in all regions starting August 16th 2024.

There is no additional charge associated to this feature.