[For later use] Destinations (COPY)


This is a beta feature and may have incomplete functionality or bugs; breaking changes may be introduced.

Destinations are part of the Flows API.

Destinations represent the egress edge of the MK.IO system. Destination resources contain the information required to send content to a specific egress endpoint. For example, this could be an SDI connector on a specific device or an SRT listener on the public internet. Destinations are always referenced by the outputs of a flow. A destination can be created with:

PUT https://api.mk.io/api/projects/myproject/v1/flow/destinations/sports1-affiliate

    "metadata": {
        "displayName": "Sports 1 - Affiliate"
    "spec": {
        "networkName": "internet",
        "transport": {
            "type": "SRTCaller",
            "port": 5000,
            "ipResource": {
                "type": "External"
            "encryptionStandard": "AES128",
            "passPhrase": "chooseasecret"

Destinations are more similar to sources than to content. Like sources, they are the carriage mechanism for content, but on the egress side. Destinations can be 'networked' or 'directly-connected', just like sources and the spec.transport section works in much the same way as for the networked sources. Like sources, networked destinations exist on a network, so if a flow needs to reference a destination, the flow must be on a site that has a route to the destination's network.

Review the sources concept again if necessary.

Destinations have differences to sources too:

  • Destinations are directly referenced by a flow output, content does not need to be resolved for destinations.
  • The content that a destination carries is defined by the flow that references the destination in it's outputs, not specified directly on the destination.
  • A destination can only be used by one flow at a time; though inactive flows that reference the destination don't count towards the limit.

What’s Next

Before we move onto the use of content, sources and destinations with flows, we need to understand Flow transforms.

For detailed API information on destinations, read the destinations reference.