Request a new token

Request a new token granting access to the MK.IO API. There are three types
of tokens.

  • 'restricted' tokens can have an expireDate set to up to a year in the future grant a reduced set
    of capabilities. Please see our online documentation for a description of how the capabilities are defined.
  • 'login' tokens are short-lived and grant the full user capabilities.
  • 'full-access' tokens can have an expireDate set to up to a year in the future and grant the full user capabilities.

Where possible you should prefer 'restricted' tokens over 'full-access' tokens to reduce the impact if one is exposed

An API token allows access to MK.IO to anyone who has a copy of it - you should treat these like your car keys and keep
them safe.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!